Overshadowing Soul

Connecting with the Overshadowing Soul

The Overshadowing Soul, as described in Lucille Cedercrans’ teachings, seeks to inspire and guide the personality toward alignment with the Divine Plan through intuition, wisdom, and service. By integrating telepathic resonance, a subtle form of energetic communication, we amplify our ability to receive, interpret, and express the soul’s guidance in service to humanity and all life.

Below is a detailed guide to practices that enhance connection with the Overshadowing Soul, cultivate telepathic resonance, and channel these energies into selfless service.

Overshadowing Soul

1. Foundations for Soul Connection and Telepathic Resonance

Create the Inner Alignment

The Overshadowing Soul communicates through subtle impressions, requiring the personality to be quiet, receptive, and aligned.

  1. Daily Alignment Ritual:
    • Begin by sitting in a comfortable position.
    • Visualize a column of white or golden light descending from your soul into your crown chakra, filling your body with harmony and balance.
    • Affirm:
      • “I align my personality, mind, and emotions with the Overshadowing Soul. I open myself as a channel for love, wisdom, and selfless service.”
  2. Develop Emotional and Mental Stillness:
    • Practice mindfulness or meditation to quiet reactive thoughts and emotions.
    • Cultivate emotional neutrality, allowing the soul’s impressions to flow unimpeded.
  3. Strengthen the Antahkarana:
    • Build the bridge of light (the antahkarana) between your lower self and higher self through meditation, visualization, and focused intention.

2. Enhancing Telepathic Resonance

Telepathic resonance refers to the ability to attune one’s consciousness to higher vibrational frequencies, enabling communication with the soul, other souls, and group energies.

Practices to Cultivate Telepathic Resonance

  1. Soul-to-Soul Telepathy:
    • Visualize yourself surrounded by a sphere of light, with your Overshadowing Soul radiating above.
    • Imagine this light connecting you to the Overshadowing Souls of others, forming a unified network of spiritual energy.
    • Affirm:
      • “I attune my consciousness to the higher frequency of the soul. May my thoughts align with the Divine Plan for the benefit of all life.”
  2. Heart-Centered Resonance:
    • Focus on the heart chakra, visualizing it as a radiant golden sun.
    • Send love and goodwill outward, imagining it connecting with all beings who align with selfless service.
    • Listen intuitively for impressions or guidance that may arise in response.
  3. Group Alignment Work:
    • Join or visualize yourself as part of a group dedicated to service.
    • Mentally link your energy with the group’s Overshadowing Souls, creating a telepathic network aligned with the Divine Plan.
  4. Meditative Listening:
    • After meditation, sit quietly and focus on receiving impressions.
    • Pay attention to subtle shifts in thought or intuition, discerning the soul’s telepathic guidance.

3. Meditative Practice for Overshadowing Soul Connection and Telepathic Resonance


Strengthen your connection to the Overshadowing Soul and align with telepathic guidance for selfless service.

  1. Preparation:
    • Create a sacred space with a violet candle and a crystal (e.g., clear quartz or amethyst) to amplify higher energies.
    • Sit comfortably, and breathe rhythmically to calm your mind and body.
  2. Invocation:
    • Call upon your soul and the Masters of Wisdom with this invocation:
      • “I invoke the light of my soul. I open myself to the impressions and guidance of the Divine Plan. May I serve as a channel of love and wisdom.”
  3. Soul Alignment Visualization:
    • Visualize your Overshadowing Soul as a radiant sun above your head.
    • Imagine this light descending into your heart, filling your entire being with luminous energy.
  4. Telepathic Connection:
    • Focus on creating a link between your soul and the larger network of Overshadowing Souls aligned with the Divine Plan.
    • Visualize this network radiating golden light across the Earth, connecting all who serve the greater good.
  5. Listening and Receiving:
    • Sit in silence, focusing on your ajna (third eye) and heart centers.
    • Listen telepathically for impressions, symbols, or intuitive guidance related to humanity or planetary needs.
    • Record any insights that arise.
  6. Service Dedication:
    • Visualize yourself as a point of light in a global grid of goodwill.
    • Affirm:
      • “May the energies of love, light, and wisdom flow through me in service to humanity and all life.”
  7. Closing:
    • Seal the meditation with the Great Invocation:
      • “From the point of Light within the Mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men…”

4. Practical Applications of Soul Connection and Telepathic Resonance

To integrate these practices into daily life, focus on tangible acts of service inspired by your soul’s impressions.

Planetary Healing

  • Dedicate time weekly to visualizing the Earth surrounded by a web of golden light, anchoring harmony and balance into the planetary etheric grid.
  • Use telepathic resonance to sense areas of need (e.g., conflict zones, ecological distress) and direct loving energy there.

Service-Oriented Guidance

  • During group or community projects, tune into the soul’s telepathic impressions to guide decisions and actions.
  • Share insights with humility and in alignment with the greater good.

Soul-Infused Communication

  • Practice telepathic resonance in conversations, listening deeply for the underlying needs and truths of others.
  • Respond with wisdom and compassion, acting as a channel for the soul’s love.

5. Group Work for Selfless Service

Group Meditation Structure:

  1. Opening Alignment:
    • Chant OM collectively to align the group with higher frequencies.
    • Visualize the group’s Overshadowing Souls forming a radiant sphere of light.
  2. Focus on a Service Goal:
    • Identify a collective intention, such as planetary healing or support for a specific cause.
    • Telepathically listen for impressions or guidance on how the group can contribute.
  3. Energy Transmission:
    • Visualize the group’s unified light radiating outward to uplift humanity and all life.
  4. Dedication:
    • Affirm:
      • “We dedicate this energy to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan and the service of all life.”

Signs of Effective Soul Connection and Telepathic Resonance

  1. Clarity and Peace:
    • Guidance feels calm, clear, and uplifting, free from emotional or mental distortion.
  2. Alignment with Service:
    • Insights naturally lead to actions that benefit others and align with universal principles.
  3. Strengthened Group Bond:
    • Telepathic resonance enhances group coherence and effectiveness in service efforts.
  4. Heightened Intuition:
    • You experience a deep knowing of what is needed and how best to contribute.

Final Affirmation

“I am a channel for the Overshadowing Soul. May my thoughts, words, and actions align with the Divine Plan, serving the highest good of humanity and all life.”

By deepening your connection with the Overshadowing Soul and cultivating telepathic resonance, you align your abilities with the greater purpose of selfless service, contributing to humanity’s evolution and the realization of the Divine Plan.

Source material taken from the following author as I interpret her written work… Lucille Cedercrans

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